Hello again friends! So much news to share with you this month.

Firstly, we got to celebrate my 2 year anniversary!! So much has changed for me since arriving at WQVH as a stray cat. My sore leg has been fixed, I’ve seen the clinic undergo a full renovation, I’ve been given a name, a home and a family who absolutely ADORE me. AND I GET ROAST CHICKEN EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

The downside of celebrating the day of my adoption is that it coincides with my annual VACCINATION!!!! To be honest, I’d only just recovered my dignity after the last check-up I received!!

You see, in the rule book for “How to be a Clinic Cat” it clearly states that you must:

“Be one of the worst behaved patients your Doctor has EVER encountered.”

But there is a totally reasonable explanation for this…… (and, no, it’s not just because I enjoy being naughty!) For our Veterinarians to maintain their “Ninja-like reflexes”, they must:

Successfully wrangle an uncooperative clinic cat without it resulting in bloodshed.”

This year Dr Brett was nominated for the battle…

Well, it turns out there is a very good reason that our clients refer to him as “The Cat Whisperer”! He was very respectful and thorough. He checked my leg without causing me any discomfort and despite my wriggling, grumbling and the best cranky face I could manage, he STUCK HIS FINGERS IN MY MOUTH and carefully touched all my teeth!!!! (The nurses were all very impressed that he had avoided what should have been CERTAIN DEATH at that point!)

As Dr Brett explained to me that I was in good health, he reached for the syringe containing my vaccination…

Simultaneously, one of my favourite nurses reached for the large bag of hot roast chicken….and at that moment I had a difficult decision to make…….

It all happened so fast- and I want you to know that I WAS fully prepared to bite his arm off at the elbow with my perfect teeth…..

But you see, dear readers, I am a good clinic cat. No… I am a GREAT clinic cat. And so, I am not going to admit my failure……. What I will say is that, in a moment of weakness, I chose my hungry tummy over the rule book. Dr Brett escaped without so much as a scratch and I was forced to run away – disgusted in my lack of self-control!!! Oh well ☹.

There have been lots of other interesting cases happening throughout the clinic this month!

We have been treating a young dog named “Lucy” for just over 2 weeks now. She has required critical care and, of course, loads of love and support as she recovers from Tetanus!!

From what the nurses have said, and what I have observed, it is a terrible thing for a patient to go through… and not something we treat very often. Our most senior nurse said that she has only seen 4 cases of Tetanus in dogs in 16 years!

The Tetanus toxin causes all the muscles in her body to contract. A classic presentation is what we refer to as the “Tetanus Grin”. Lucy’s face was not like any other doggo I’ve EVER seen before- and at first it was very confusing to me!

The nurse explained that Lucy was unable to open her mouth (which is why Tetanus is sometimes called “Lock Jaw”), walk, swallow or blink! I understood that she was not a threat to me and that I would be required keep a very close eye on her over the next few days

Dr Philo had to surgically place a feeding tube into Lucy’s oesophagus so the nurses could feed her. Anti-toxin was administered to Lucy, and we watched her recover very, very, slowly over the next 12 days.

The best part of our job is seeing critical patients pull through illness such as this. And to be honest these long-term patients always hold a special place in our minds and hearts.

Today, I watched from the reception desk as Lucy walked out of the building alongside her Dad -on her own four feet and wagging her tail!!! So, today has been a great day!! 😊

Well, that’s probably more than enough from me, if you haven’t heard I’ve been nominated for “Dermcare’s Clinic Cat of the Year Award” so I had better get working on my campaign speech!!

Don’t forget to vote!!!

Until next time,

Norma xx

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