If your dog or cat has eaten chocolate, our quick calculator can tell you whether an emergency vet visit is required. This calculator is a guide only.
If your pet has eaten chocolate and you know the quantity and the type of chocolate, please refer to the below calculator. Make sure to select kilograms (KG) and grams (Gm) as the units to ensure the calculator works correctly.
The calculator will work out approximately how much methylxanthine (theobromine and caffeine) your pet has ingested, then tell you what symptoms to expect and whether an emergency vet visit is required.
If your pet is vomiting or has diarrhoea, seek veterinary attention immediately. If you are seeing fast or irregular heart rate, tremors, seizures or extreme hyperactivity, this is an emergency – bring your pet to our vet hospital immediately.
f you are concerned after your pet has ingested chocolate of any form even if they are not showing symptoms, you should still SEEK VETERINARY ADVICE and monitor your pet for any changes.
West Queanbeyan Veterinary Hospital assumes no liability for the content of this page. This calculator should not be used as a substitute for specific veterinary advice and is only intended as a guide. Please contact the clinic if you are concerned about your pet’s health.